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Oxbow Outdoor Classroom

Into the Woods We Grow

"You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So...get on your way!" - Dr. Seuss

About Into the Woods We Grow

Into the Woods We Grow introduces an experiential learning process where students are submersed in the backcountry and their personal interests encouraged and nurtured as they find thier own path to discovery, observation, reflection, thoughts, and growth. 



Into the Woods We Grow!

All about the growth of life:

  • Plant Growth

  • Insect Growth (Instars and such)


Outdoor Classroom

Join one of our freshwater biologists as they take you on an adventure of a lifetime to discover a hidden world that harbors some of the most unique animals on the planet. Learn about the ancient river ecosystems that flow through the southern Appalachian mountains and how the health of our rivers depends on the intricate relationships between these critters and humans.

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